If you have ever tried to get a credit card or a credit at a financial institution, you will have come across the terms “credit check” and “credit score.” So, if you have been wondering where this comes from, there is a third term, “credit bureaus.” Credit bureaus monitor your credit history and log files […]
For many Canadians, the first thought when thinking about bankruptcy is, “I’m going to lose everything.” However, even in bankruptcy, there are assets that you can keep, known as bankruptcy exemptions. Every province and territory has their exemptions besides the federally regulated exemptions. In Ontario, the exemptions are set out in the Execution Act of […]
Filing for bankruptcy can be a daunting process, filled with intricate details and legal procedures. It’s a decision often arrived at after much consideration and, typically, as a last resort to manage insurmountable debt. However, the complexity of bankruptcy filings means that it’s alarmingly easy to make mistakes that can affect the outcome, or even […]
Many Canadians struggle with debt; sometimes, bankruptcy is the last option to escape the crushing burden. This journey begins with filing for bankruptcy with the assistance of a Licensed Insolvency Trustee (LIT), the only professional in Canada licensed and regulated to administer bankruptcies. Bankruptcy is a legal procedure where you surrender any non-exempt assets to […]
Filing for bankruptcy can be a daunting process, filled with intricate details and legal procedures. It’s a decision often arrived at after much consideration and, typically, as a last resort to manage insurmountable debt. However, the complexity of bankruptcy filings means that it’s alarmingly easy to make mistakes that can affect the outcome, or even […]
Bankruptcy has a reputation as one of the “uncomfortable” subjects that people don’t often discuss, and it is perhaps for this reason that there is a lot of false information out there. Add the stress of dealing with aggressive creditors and unpaid bills and it is no surprise that many people in debt suffer in […]
Ask most people about bankruptcy and you will hear a mixture of facts and common misconceptions. Conversely, if you ask about consumer proposals, you might find that many people have never heard of this popular alternative to bankruptcy. Despite this fact, you might be surprised to know that more consumer proposals are filed than bankruptcies […]
Helping people to resolve their debt problems is a top priority for Chande & Company. Our firm was founded by Licensed Insolvency Trustee Mihir (Mike) Chande in order to offer a more personalized approach to solving debt problems. Mike has combined insights from working in large firms with his experiences working in smaller practices. We focus […]